The Journey Series unearths the true history of African
people and sets the record straight—once and for all.
Highlights African contributions to civilization and
modern life—including the arts, sciences, architecture,
medicine, education, spirituality, culture...
Along with the Knowledge Keeper Hosts, The Journey will
showcase a plethora of authors,historians, researchers, and,
activists including:
Dr. Edward Robinson, Ali and Helen Salahuddin,
Jackie Mayfield, Francis Cress Welsing, Dr. Asa Hilliard,
Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, Dr. Anika Daniels-Osaze,
Yiser Ra Hotep, Ken Bridges (MATAH), Robert and
Wanda Dickerson (Universal Dance), Dr. Joyce King and
Dr. Hassimi o. Maiga, (descendant of a Songhai King),
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Malconlm X…
They unearth the true history of African people and
set the record straight.