“Teamwork Media group International (TMGI) is a leading authoritative media brand representing the voice and perspective of persons of color .
We create and finance film, television, digital content, technologies and brands which are driven by people of color that encompass universal themes to which all people can connect .
Robert Lott
TMGI CEO / Producer - Director
Co-Producer / Strategy Planner
Co-Producer / Script Writer
Sales Consultant
Co-Producer / Editor
Co-Producer / Editor
The mission of TMG is to produce products and programming with worldwide appeal that are unique, with high quality and high concept ideals, continuous new product development, created to re-educate, enlighten, and empower, using contemporary multi-media formatting, in an academic and historical context, and maintained in a viable pipeline targeted at profitable prime time slots.
Welcome aboard your entertainment vehicle for achieving the health, wealth, and happiness that your body, mind, and spirit can so deeply appreciate. The fun, the joy, the pleasure, and the sheer exhilaration and euphoria of the TMGI experience can be yours instantly. Teamwork Media Group International is your window to yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The window is open!!!
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