Dr. Robinson's Movie Concept - Future Production
Whispers of the Medallion is a fascinating love story drenched in splendor and absolutely breath-taking beauty, showing our homeland of Africa in deeply moving drama and excitement.
Whispers of the Medallion is one the 6 scripts written by then 83 year old Dr. Edward Robinson, Jr. who died at 94 years in 2012. Whispers is intended to be made into a movie for the purpose of changing the negative imagery of African Americans promoted by the media. His research has proven that the root of all the ills that affect African people worldwide is that, for centuries, we have been programmed to despise everything African about ourselves and the rest of the world has been programmed similarly.
It has been proven that motion pictures, with their subliminal power of subconscious change, are extremely effective in making attitudinal transformation in people. Films, such as Black Panther and Whispers, are absolutely necessary to counteract films that for decades have depicted the African American ancestral homeland to be a jungle and African people to be uncivilized, child-like buffoons. This new genre of movies is designed to correct the societal belief that the ancestors of African Americans came from savagery and ignorance.
It is a journey of truth about the spectacular ancestral home of African Americans which is Songhai, West Africa, an empire larger than the continent of Europe. In this film you will see the golden city of Timbuktu, which was said by generations of Europeans to be "draped in gold and clothed in education". You will marvel at the magnificence of our ancestors' 3-story homes of polished stone sitting on tree-lined avenues.
The movie became very visual to me as I watched the preview...
I have a feeling you could pitch this to someone independent... Tyler Perry... Don't laugh. He has the money and actors would die to be a part of that movie.
I think the time is ripe❤️
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